
 A Review on: Euryale Ferox (Fox Nut) 

 A Review on: Euryale Ferox (Fox Nut) 

Volume 1 Issue 2 ( October - December ) 2023 OPEN ACCESS


Neha Shukla, Prof. Jaya Sharma, Pankaj Sharma


Euryale ferox, Nymphaeaceae, Constituents, Makhana, Fox nut, Gorgon nut, Carbohydrates  


Euryale ferox is an aquatic plant that belongs to the Nymphaeaceae family. It is native to Eastern and Southern Asia. It is also called as Makhana, Fox nut, Prickly water lily and Gorgon nut. The nutritional studies carried out to determine the constituents of Euryale ferox states that it consists of carbohydrates, proteins, moisture, minerals, fat, phosphorous, calcium and iron in addition to a lesser amount of ascorbic acid, phenol and sugar. The production of Euryale ferox is done in various states of India such as Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Eastern Odisha and Eastern Uttar Pradesh. In India, the 90% cultivation of this crop is done by Bihar. According to National Research Centre for Makhana, Darbhanga, there is 15,000 ha of fox nut cultivation in India. The seeds of Euryale ferox are used in the formulation of ayurvedic preparations. Makhana kernel stops diarrhoea and strengthens the kidneys. It is an excellent immune system stimulant. It also regulates blood pressure. It is used as a nutraceutical/functional food. Fox nut powder is used to prepare gluten-free biscuits for the people who avoid gluten in their diet for health purposes. Makhana flour is used to prepare Makhana Chapatti, Makhana Kalakand, Makhana Barfi and Makhana Cabbage Pakora.

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